
Table of contents including both volumes: Half Hat [Ribber required], Upside Down Lounger, Quick Pack, Model T Baby Bonnet, Ballerina Bag, Fabulous Felted Beads, Nubby Scrubbies, Baby Bag, Exer-socks [ribber required], Non-Slippers, The Clean Team: a trio of dish/wash cloths, Sweater Garland, Festive Skater’s or tree skirt-Bulky and standard versions only. Requires patterning ability. Unless otherwise noted, each pattern may be knitted on a standard, mid-gauge or bulky Japanese style of machine. Bond and Passap machines may also be used. Bonds and Passaps will need to make some slight adjustments. Read about these on page 36
Paisley Purse, Bias Scarf, Magnificent Mittens, Special Day Pillow, Fast Fun and Furry Pillows and Purses, Little Red Riding Hood. Microfiber Bath Basics, Lap of Luxury Mittens, String Satchels for All, The Perfect Poncho, Afghan for Everyone, Think Mink Help for Passap Knitters, Help for Hobby Knitters.
Free Scrubby Cloth Pattern
Red Heart Scrubby yarn is sold at Walmart. These make great quickie gifts for others or yourself using the bulky or mid-gauge machine. The yarn does all the work! Cast on in chain stitch 24 stitches on the bulky or 22 on the mid-gauge but mid-gauges use every other needle. Hang comb and weights. Pull out a bunch of yarn so it will feed freely. Adjust mast tension to very low and stitch dial to maximum size. Knit 36 rows on the bulky, 29 on the mid-gauge. Bind off using a chain stitch method. Weave in ends. Resulting cloth will be about 7" square. Edges roll slightly. I love the texture for both bathing and dishes. The yarn is polyester so it doesn't mildew as cotton cloths sometimes do. Each skein makes 2 or more cloths. Mid-gauge version will be a more open fabric than bulky version but it still scrubs well. Using every needle on the mid-gauge is not advisable.
© 2017, updated 2019 Kathryn Doubrley Www.theanswerlady.com All rights reserved.
YARN, GAUGE, SIZE AND MACHINE The hat finishes to a circumference of 14[16, 18, 20, 22]” which covers sizes from babies to XL adults. Total length from bottom of hem to tip is 7(8,9,10,11)".Its made in 2 pieces that are seamed together. Any machine may be used with one of the gauges. There are 3 gauges to choose from: 4 stitches/6 rows/inch using #4 yarn on a bulky machine, 5.5 stitches/8 rows/inch using #3 yarn on a mid-gauge or 7 stitches/10 rows/inch using #2 yarn on a standard machine.
RIBBING You need to know how ribbing is produced on your machine. You may use a ribber or ladder down and re-form the stitches. Use 1X1 rib. That is knit 1, purl 1 across the work. It is OK to substitute mock rib if you prefer but double the row count given if you do that. In general, ribbing works best at 2-3 stitch sizes smaller than the stockinette portion of the hat.
KNIT THE HAT-2 pieces alike. Begin with row counter set to 0. Cast on and knit rib in yellow yarn across a span of ____ and knit ____ rows at ribbing stitch size, filling in the blanks from the number below. If you like each side if your ribbing to end with a knit stitch, add 1 to the numbers given for stitches to cast on. Bulky: 30[34, 38, 42, 46] needles 12[14, 16, 18, 20] rows. Mid-gauge: 42[48, 52, 58, 64] needles 16[18, 20, 24, 26] rows. Standard: 52[60, 66, 74, 82] needles 20[24, 28, 30, 30] rows. Change to stockinette stitch size and orange yarn with all stitches on the main bed.
Change from orange to white yarn after knitting Bulky: 21(24,27,30,33) Mid-gauge: 28(32,36,40,44) Standard: 35(40,45,50,55) Rows of orange. The total row count at this point is Bulky: 33(38,43,48,53) Mid-gauge: 44(50,56,62,68) Standard: 55(64,73,80,85) NOTE: decreases begin after knitting row Bulky: 34(36,38,40,44) Mid-gauge: 44(48,52,56,60) Standard: 54(69,66,72,78) Which may be before, the same time, or after the change to white yarn, depending on size and gauge.
You may alter the position of the color change to change the proportion of the white tip of the "candy" to the rest of the hat if you like. This suggested row count is based on commonly seen proportions but different brands do proportion the candy colors in unique ways.
Decrease 1 on each side every row, using the full fashioned decrease, until ____ stitches remain in work. Knit 2 rows on these last few stitches, then bind off. Fill in the blank from the numbers below. Bulky: 8(10,12,12,12) Mid-gauge: 10(12,14,16,16) Standard: 14(16,17,20,22) If you added a stitch to the ribbing there will be one more stitch than stated. That's ok. Seam the edges of the pieces together with mattress stitch or a similar seam.